You can start you carrier with affiliate marketing without spending money. With the right strategies, you can earn 5000-5lack and more then. There is no limit of for this you have to understand the basic affiliate marketing. Here’s you can get started;

1. Understand Affiliate Marketing Basics
In affiliate marketing you have to parmot products or services with the help of your unique referral link and earning a commission for every sale. First you have understand the key concepts like affiliate networks, commission structures, and the types of products you want to promote.
2. Choose a Niche
You should select a niche which type of products and services you have a passion and have some knowledge. Popular niches include health, technology, fashion, and personal finance. A well-defined niche will help you target your audience effectively.

3. Research Affiliate Programs
There are so many affiliate programs available, which are free to join. Platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, Handify and clickbank these are very popular website which is provide to free joining in there affiliate programs you can crate your affiliate account in these site.

You don’t need a website to start. Utilize free platforms like social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter), blogs (WordPress, Medium), or YouTube. Create accounts where you can share content and promote your affiliate links.
4. Create Valuable Content
Content is king in affiliate marketing. Focus on creating valuable content that can help your audience in there daily life. like if you have knowledge fashion you can start your you tube channel and tell people how can the look good what they should wear and when like in wedding what to wear, in birthday party what should not wear. you can suggest them a good quality of cloth . provide them your referral link if some one purchase by the link you provide you will earn money.So here some type of content you can make like,
Blog Posts: Write reviews, tutorials, or listicles related to your niche.
Videos: Create engaging videos that showcase products or provide valuable insights.
Social Media Posts: Share tips, quotes, or user-generated content that relates to your niche.
Always include your affiliate links where relevant, but ensure that your content remains informative and engaging.
Some links for who are beginner in affiliate marketing. SING UP FREE
Here you can earn commission in % rate All catagary of product have there fix % of commission like ,mobile 0.25% commission, kitchen items 4% etc.
1.Amazon affiliate program link–
2. Flipkart affiliate program link-
3. Handify affiliate program link –
In Handify affiliate program you can Earn more then amazon and flipkart becouse they provide commission in flat rate like in handmade jewerlley you earn 50rs per sale there are so many catagery of product which you can permote. Some of product have 100rs and some of have 150 so sing up now for extra income.